Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Swarts Interview

Swarts may be the oldest member of the Tweek Family at an astounding 26 years old, but the man still rips like none other. Hang fives in his sleep and shaking change at broadzz like none other. One word and one word only....NIIIIICE. This is the Swartsy Interview.

All Your Nicknames and Their Origins GO!

Greaser--Because I used hair gel in elementary school and kids thought it was funny to call me that.

RyGuy- Because my name alone isn't cool enough apparently and it has to have dumb shit added to it.

Swartsy- Because Tom and Glen wanna do me. 

Top 5 Reasons Binghamton Rules.

1. New York Pizzeria

2. Being an asshole to little kids and having them still like me

3. Free chips from Frito Lay dumpster

4. Everybody here is more pissed off than me

5. Can't list one more

Top 5 Reasons Binghamton Sucks.

1. I live here X5

Top 5 Reasons Myspace is Better than Facebook

1. Cause i can lurk young ass girls and they dont know it

2. Cause i can put music on it

3. I can do fancy shit to my profile

4. I can create a fake profile and ruin someone's life

5. I can spam shitty bands when they try to add me and get them potentially kicked off

Best Spots to Ride in P-Burgh?

Any place where I can do hangfives or look at hawt broadzzzz.

Why Do you Love Myspace Surveys So Much?

Cause it makes my pants a little tighter ;).

Best Cottage Story-

The AK story because everyone knows about it now through various ways and little kids have heard of fuckchick's adventures.

*editors note-- i would love to explain this story in full detail, however, it would be way too graphic to place on this website. All i will say is it was a night in the infamous bunkbed room between fuckchick and a young woman: "I was like a swat team at the million man march."---Fuckchick


Best Thing aka Creepiest Thing You've Ever Seen Fuckchick do-

I cant narrow it down....

When he slapped his balls on a piece of paper and the paper stuck to them cause he is gross.

Most Outrageous Thing You've Ever Witnessed the BCF do-

When you (Glen) and Tom double cock-slapped Delsie in the face and touched tips and weren't weirded out by it. 

Name One Good Reason to Visit Glen Aubrey, NY-


Best and Worst Memory of Attending Whitney Point in the 1970s-

Best- Leaving school.

Worst- 2nd through 12th grade. 

Explain How You Are So Amazing at Trivial Pursuit-

Because I'm an asshole and an endless vat of useless knowledge. 

What is Better Your Grandmother's Mashed Potatoes or Free Buffalo Chicken Pizza from New York Pizzeria-

Grandmas mashed potatoes hands down because its made from the heart. 

What Band Do You Hate the Most and Why?

Fall Out Boy cause someone said i looked like the lead singer and both him and that kid should eff off.

Worst Injury Received from not Riding Your Bike-

Twisted ankle from playing soccer in the parking lot of HCS.

 Any Last Words?

Touch Tips FGGT.

1 comment:

  1. There are probably people reading who have never met you guys, and to those people, I say whatever you're imagining these kids are like, they're more insane than that.
